Tuesday, April 17, 2012


So it's that time of year again where the company sends out the Associate Satisfaction Survey, that employees are encouraged to fill out honestly. Every year the ASAT keeps returning low scores, instead of trying to fix dissatisfaction among associates, they make the survey the exact same the next year and hope the score goes up. While discussing the dumb questions they ask us we constatly explain how they should have a comments section instead of answering the questions on a scale of 1 to 5 to accturately depict how employees feel and why they feel this way.  But since they don't really care, I'm going to break down some of the questions from the survey because I find them completely hilarious and pointless.  We are asked to answer these questions on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree).  Oh by the way, we are told constantly how the survey is a depiction of how the store is, not about the company.  If you read the questions you will notice how it constatly asks the company's name, nothing about the store.  Here we go!

Question 1:  I am proud to work for ___________.

Answer:  I don't know how anyone can be proud to work for this place

Question 2: I would recommend __________ as a great place to work.

Answer:  HAHAHAHAHA I recommend people I know to stay the hell away from trying to get a job here, unless you are seriously that desperate and you want to be completely miserable...

Question 3: If I had my own way, I will be working for __________ in 12 months from now.

Answer:  How is this question even on this survey?  If I had my own way, I would be on a tropical island with girls in each arm.

Question 4:  I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things.

Answer: This question is completely hilarious.  If I come up with new and better ways of doing things I am immediately shut down and told I have to do what the company has told me to do, no matter how backwards ass it is.

Question 5:  I feel comfortable speaking up when I disagree with a decision.

Answer:  This may be the only question where I feel I could agree.  Everytime corporate comes up with a new and stupid way of doing something.  I always express my views on it, not that it matters much anway.

Then the survey asks a couple things about if having charitable donations and associate volunteer program makes a positive impact on associate engagement.  Umm ok.

Finally the last question:  How would you rate _____________ to work for compared to other companies? (1 = One of the Worst; 5 = One of the Best)

Answer: Wow, just wow.  I am very surprised they asked this question.  How many people will honestly give this company a 5?  At most I would give it a 3.  AT MOST.  I forgot what I actually put on the survey but I can tell you right now it was not a 5, but you probably guessed that based on the title of my blog.

Leave some comments on how you feel about these questions.  How dumb do you think the survey is?


  1. I will go out of my way to avoid taking that stupid survey. It's a waste of time since the dissatisfied answers never get addressed (at my store, at least). Although it is funny since I'm the most cynical person in the store, it really makes the managers nervous when I take the survey.

  2. If I had my own way I'd be king of hooker island.

  3. I hate this survey. It is so stupid there is never a question about the pay, your position or anything like that. So F'ed up. The ASAT survey's are just so that the corporate office can ream your GM into managing the store better. My GM was threatened his job when the ASAT scores were really low. I told him that they have nothing to do with him and he said that it does they are graded from it.
