Monday, December 12, 2011

Epic Bonus Payout!

Today, shortly after my shift started my SM comes up to me and tells me all the "great" things going on within the company. 

A little backstory for you, our store has been lacking meeting our metrics and quite frankly I am sick of hearing about it everyday.  We aren't selling enough service plans and we aren't selling enough tech services.  Of course the company is making these goals hard to achieve by making laptop service plans about 50% of the cost of the computer, no one is going to buy that. And that is just the regular protection, if you throw in accidental which is the highest reason for a laptop breaking it's sometimes can be 60% or 70% of the cost. You would have to be a complete moron to buy that.  And for our tech services they keep slashing prices for "break fix" systems coming in so we don't make a lot of money from that and charging outrageous prices for depot repair services.  There is hardly any motivation for me to sell these things to people who don't want them.  The only motivation that techs get is we get bonus money if we are selling over a certain goal.  A goal that has been harder to achieve  during the recession where people don't have the extra money to get a service plan.  In order to see bonus we have to achieve over 7% in service plan attachments and over $1,050 in tech services.  Of course whatever we make over that we (tech associates) only make 10% of what we over by, which is then divided among associates depending on the hours they worked.  Long story short we haven't been making anything with our service plan dollars and even when we get over $1,050 it seems like we don't get shit.

Anyway back to the the SM talking to me about the "great" things going on in the company.  He told me right now we are getting double payout in bonus money for all tech associates.  Of course I then replied, "Well getting double of Zero is still Zero, so yeah great motivational tool."  At this point he was completely quiet and was reading the rest of the memo to himself.  I understand that it is his job to make the store perform better in all our metrics but our DM Lord Farquaad is the most dismotivational manager in existence.  He bitches and moans when we aren't performing well but doesn't really give us any means to improve.  The one time he came to our store and asked us what the problem was and we explained that having one tech work both the floor and computers is really not helping his exact response was, "No, that is not the problem."


  1. that is below the line...... HAHHA

    the store is the devil

  2. The bonus you get in a seperate check and then it is taxed. So if you get a $1.00 you wind up with $0.54 once everything is calculated and my bonuses in my store is usually once or twice a month, but sometimes we don't get one for 2 months.

  3. My store has to make $3'500at in tech each week. We are lucky to make $1,000. So are bonus checks, if we earn anything are maybe $8 a month after we get taxes taken out twice.
